Discover Middle Eastern history through the eyes of those who shaped it. Explore our custom GPTs designed to answer your questions for a unique journey into the past. Our GPT's are built with Poe ( and utilize all the freatues of AI chatbots. It can even write poems about your adventures. So ask your questions, make some poems and enjoy your jounery through time!
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We will be updating this page as we continue to create the content on our timeline through history - check back!
This webpage is one in the series of different main topics on our Website "History Explored" designed to include a collection of pages that encompass many sections of World History. This page is dedicated to the History of the Middle East. Here We will explore the 18 countries that comprise the region and take a look at each one through the eyes of someone who lives there. OUR FOCUS WILL BE TO REMAIN IMPARTIAL with reguard to the different Religions, Cultures, Customs, and Peoples of each Nation.
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