history-explored.org an Innovative Way to Connect

Frequently Asked Questions

History Explorer

Here is a list of some of our most asked questions:

1.) What is History Explored?

Our Domain is 'history-explored.org'. we are a small group of History buffs who find exploring the past and comptiplating the future to be an exciting and worthwhile endeaver.
It is our hope that by creating this website, we can inspire others to become as curious with our History as we are. Human life is more that just existing, it is dreaming, creating,
achieving and failing. History is the record of these things...

2.) What are interactive Discussions?

History is a fasinating journey filled with wonders and achievements. But, let's face it... reading about it can be boring. Historical movies and videos are better, but they still limit us to
the formated information they contain. So, we asked ourselves, "wouldn't it be great if we could stop the action and ask a question?" That's when we came up with the idea to create
these Discussions. By using the innovative technology of A.I. (artificial intelligence) we are able to present a new way to explore - ask specific questions and get informative answers...
learn about History on your own terms.

3.) What are the discussion "Hosts"?

Our discussions are generated using "chatBots". When given a question, these Bots search their data and provide an answer. So, our discussions are basicly an interactive search engine.
Which is great, it gives us our new way to explore... but we felt it was rather bare and unengaging. And because our main goal is to inspire and excite - we wanted a way to make these
discussions more interesting. We added our discussion "Host". These are A.I. generated personas of (sometimes well known) persons who can provide the voice and character of our chatBot.
In this way, you get the feeling of having a conversation with an actual person... not just a search engine.

4.) How are the chatBots created?

Our chatBots are generated using "generative A.I." which means it can create text at near-human quality levels because it's fed an immense amount of data for training. This training is the
"knowledge" a Bot has - all the information it draws on to give it's answers. There are many platforms that allow for the creation of custom chatbots. After much research and experimentation,
we chose 2 that we felt would best suit our needs. First, we use Poe (poe.com)- a subscripton(paid) service that allows individuals to make and customize their own Bots. Second,we use BotPress
(botpress.com)- a community driven(pay-as-you-go) service that allows for the creation of Bot assistants to add to a website. Both these services allow for the use of custom databases to add
to the training so the created Bots are unique and customized to the specific needs of the user.

5.) What are Memberships?

We offer memberships as a way to sponser our efforts. We want everyone to be able to connect and explore our vast History in a fun and engaging way. But creating and maintaining a website
like ours is not without it's cost. Of course, this is our ambition, our project so we do our best to keep it going. But, as with any enterprise, additional help can go along way. Through our
Memberships, we gain some of the extra support and financial aid we can use to keep and improve our vision. History is amazing... everyone should know that and be able to explore!

6.) What is custom A.I. generated Artwork?

We have created our own, imaginative "sketch Bot" to create the artwork and images we use throughout our website. All of our images are unique to us - we don't use clip-art or pull images from the
web... so you won't find them anywhere but on our site. And we make it a point to stress our artwork is custom A.I. generated. One more way A.I. technology is amazing. Not only can it discribe with words,
but it can show you the images as well...

7.) What is "buy me a coffee"?

Much like our memberships, 'buy me a coffee' is a way to offer your support. But unlike a subscription, it is a simple one-time contrbution. If you find our efforts and goals admirable, and you want
to give us some help, this is a quick and easy way. Our 'buy me a coffee' website also includes our membership page and an "extras" where we offer our custom A.I. artwork for sale.

8.) Why should I donate?

That's good question. Yes, we have a cause, a vision, a goal... but is it important enough for you to join in and become part of what we do? Well, how important is our History? Learning from the past,
being in the present, exploring the future... does it really matter? Our answer is "Yes it does!" But what is your answer... does knowing our history count? -- We see it as a need. To explore History is to
explore ourselves. To find the past is to see the future. Everyone should have that opportunity. We want to fill that need, to be a part of giving people that chance, and your donation includes your giving
as well. So, is exploring our History important? Think about it...and find your answer...

9.) Do you offer a Satisfaction Guarantee?

Yes, we do. Absolutely and without question. If any of our content offends you, let us know and we will send you a personal apology. If there is something you think we could do better, let us know, we
appreciate all comments and suggestions and really take them to heart. If you give a donation but are dissatisfied with our direction, we will happily give you back you contribution. If you make a purchase
and are not pleased for any reason, we will positively give your money back - no questions - no problems. we realistically expect that we cannot please everyone, but we will always do our best to make sure
your experience with us is a satisfying one. And that's our guarantee.

10.) How can I request a refund?

The easiest and quickest way is with e-mail. Send your request to: history-explored-refunds@email.com - thats it! We check our email (including spam) twice a day. Your request will recieve our immediate
attention and a response with your refund information will be sent right away. You can also sent your request to our other email listed below.(not as quick)

11.) Do you give out my Personal Information?

Never Ever. We, here at History Explored truely believe your privacy and security is sacred. It is our duty to balance our need to maintain information with the rights of individuals to be protected. To this end
we do not sell, share, or give any personal information to anyone for any reason. Rest assured... your connection to us is - and will always be - held in the strictest confidence.

These are just a few of the common questions you may have. To ask a specific question or give us a comment, send it to us at: history-explored-comments@email.com We love hearing from you...
and look forward to sending our replies.

Meet some of our A.I. Generated Hosts - here is a sample to show what are GPT Host actually are and how they work