history-explored.org an Innovative Way to Connect

who we are



We are a small group of History Buffs who find exploring the past and comtiplating the future to be an exciting and worthwhile experience.

We call ourselves ""The History Explorers Group". Nothing fancy, but it does express who we are. A group of explorers... travelers though the corridors of our exsistence. Our group's motto is:
"To know our history is to know ourselves." We are located in the USA and our members live in the States of Alabama, Flordia, and Ohio. Our webmaster and contact person is William Washburn.
He has graciously designed and provides the updates to our site. He can be reached though our different emails... and on the contact form below. Please contact William if you have questions
about us or need further assistence with our website. As our spokesperson, he is glad to assist.

Our domain - "history-explored.org" is linked to this site. We are not a commercial enterprise. It is not our purpose to make money for our personal gain with this website. We simply want to entice
others to become as interested in our History as we are. To be human is to be unique amoung all creatures... and our History is the record of that uniqueness. So, our website is intended to be a
gateway... a starting point for a fascinating journey of exploration. So we provide our website to that end... to excite and encourage everyone to join us.

This is our secondary website designed to provide a way for users to donate and support our vision. Our goal is simply to excite others...not to make money. However, creating and maintaining a website
does have it's expenses. We have to pay for monthly services and occasionally buy equipment, so we use this portal as a way to get help. Here, you will find tabs to make a one-time donation, sign-up
for a membership, or buy digital artwork downloads. All funds collected are used solely for the purpose of providing our vision... to create a fun and interesting way to connect to our History. So please
click the buttons and links provided on our pages to give your support and become a part of what we do. We greatly appriciate your help.

The interactive chat hosts powered by GPT models on this site do not represent actual people from history. As AI systems, the hosts have no subjective experiences,identities or true understanding of
the topics discussed.Their responses are generated based on their training data to continue conversational turns, but they have no internal experiences or ability to learn beyond their initial programming.
Any claims or information provided by the hosts should not be taken as facts and are intended for entertainment purposes only. Users should be aware that as language models, the hosts are prone to generating
incorrect, irrelevant or potentially harmful responses at times. They do not represent the actual beliefs, views or personalities of any historical figures. Conversations with the hosts are meant as a novelty
experience to imagine engaging with figures from the past, but users should not develop personal relationships, emotional attachments or make important decisions based on their responses. Any provided
responses should be critically evaluated and independently verified before being considered factual.

The artwork available for download or purchase on this site was created using generative AI models trained on large datasets. These models do not have subjective experiences, artistic intent or personal
style. The images were algorithmically generated and do not represent the actual creative work of human artists. By purchasing this artwork, you are obtaining a digital file for your use as you see fit, however
the orginal rights of ownership remain to history-explored.org. The models used to generate the images have certain limitations and biases inherent to their training data. Users should evaluate the artwork critically
and not assume it conveys any human perspectives, meanings or symbolism. We moderate all available artwork and do our best to only provide entertaining and thought-provoking images, but offensive content
may still be produced. We apologize to anyone who may be offended and any complaints sent to us will be fully evaluated for possible removal.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" A question oftentimes asked of childern. Their eyes roll upwards as they ponder the possibilities... their imaginations whirl, their desires surface and their
dreams turn to hopes... what indeed! And then there's us. What do we want to be? What do we see our site becoming in the months and years to come? Community... Unity... a library where we can all gather
and share our adventures. 100's of members, forums, chatrooms, gatherings, planned excursions and group trips... well, if we dream, we might as well dream big. And who knows, maybe we really can acheive it.

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