Discover the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. Here we will take a look at the 7 Places that were considered a true Marvel during their Time. We will explore the beauty and scale of each, as well as the impact they created on the Ancient World and how they still resonate Today.
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The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
We will be updating this page with even more discussions by people throughout History and their views about these 7 Wonders. - check back!
This webpage is one in the series of different main topics on our Website "History Explored" designed to include a collection of pages that encompass many sections of World History. This page is an examination of the incredible creations known as the "7 Wonders of the Ancient World". Even though the grandure of these stuctures no longer exist, their Locations and ruins remain as a testiment to the imagination, power and skill of our Human Spirit.
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